Kastle MX 88 168cm 128-88-113 (17.5 Radius)

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Manufacturer Info:
Kästle GmbH
Edisonstrasse 2 | 4600
Wels | Austria
Tel: +43(0) 7242/207011
Fax: +43 (0) 7242/207011/70
Wels, Austria
Suggested Retail Price (MSRP):
$- ?
€ - ?
Usage Class:
High end all mountain expert skiers
Your Rating (with comments): (1="get me off these things"->10="I have to own a pair")
Kastle is back! If this model is any indication of what is to come from this company...just hold on! This may be the best intro of the year! There is nothing at all bad to say about this ski. An incredibly,smooth and responsive rocket ship. Float along at slow speeds and carve effortlessly or just rip at high speeds no matter the turn radius. Could not find its top end, it just wants to go and go. This ski has unbelievable edge to edge quickness for its width. It was mounted with Marker Jesters. You could draw out long, smooth railroad tracks, and then just jump on it and it would come around quickly and smoothly in the shortest radii I could make. Total Perfection. Typical wood core dampness, perhaps the Hollowtech Technolgy adds to this damp feeling as well and cuts down on the swing weight. What it all amounts to is a ski that will do anything, at any speed in most conditions. If any one gets the chance ...open up your mind and try them! I also skied on the MX 98 and will review as soon as I get a chance
Ski Designer (if known):
Austrian designers...supposedly from the race department at Fischer.
Technical Ski Data (if known):
Titanal top and bottom sheet, fiberglass base sheet,top rubber dampening sheet, ash/silver fir vertical wood core.ABS sidewalls, edge rubber under edges,garaphite sintered base.HOLLOWTECH Technology Tip, reduces shovels mass and helps minimize ski vibration.
Pre-Skiing Impression:
Beautiful to look at. All white topsheet with orange HOLLOWTECH tip. Black Kastle Graphic.Nice and stealthy looking. Nice flex and great torsional rigidity.
Test Conditions:
3"-4"New snow on top of frozen rain soaked base
After Skiing These, I Want To...
Own a pair and not share them with anyone! I want a pair of MX98's as well
Self-Description of Skiing Style, Ability, Experience, Preferences (be honest):
Age 49, 5'-9", 180lbs. Been skiing since I was a toddler. Expert Skier. Like to arc out long turns at high speeds, looking for nice railroad tracks. Love to go in the woods if the conditions are right.